About 1 month into the new training program and starting to feel good again. The determination is back and having my wife join me is a real help. Lets see how far we go this time....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Approx. Mid September, 2009 - starting point...again
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Preparing for the come back.....Spring 2009!
The behind the scenes work has started......only a few weeks to go before Mission 2 starts.....getting into pure cardio at the moment, gentle HIIT - that's 5km runs with hill climbs! Full training starts 2nd Week September.....Until then.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Body Blog Day 41

Ok, so maybe it will only be weekly blogs for now... but again, my training hasn't stopped and everything is going along nicely. I am really starting to feel my chest muscles now as well as my arms, cool! I managed to double my 5km run this week and pushed out 10k's while still feeling easy at the end. I think I will keep this as a regular routine, making one of my runs a classic HIIT 5km run and the other a bit more of endurance 10km and over as I like the idea of a half tri one day. I still haven't made it to the pool yet, but that 10km run has inspired me so hopefully I will make that happen this week.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Body Blog Day 35

Well I'm Back! Not that I stopped working out or slacked off in any way with diet, motivation etc. I don't metion too much on this blog about things other than fittness, so lets just say the reason for my 10 day break from posting was due to technical glitches....
Anyway, I should be back to almost daily blogs again and as always I'm still determined as ever to find my inner six pack! The great news is the last few days have finally seen me break the 80kg barrier! It is the first time is seen the scales drop below the 80 for over 15 years! Not that i'm trying to loose too much more weight, my goal for this 12 week challenge was to get down to 78kg's and start to show off a six pack. The reason for 78kg was just guestimate that this is somewhere near where I would need to be within 12 weeks if my body fat was to be low enough to start to reveal a six pack. So with only 1kg to go, I have been cranking up my ab routine a little more to try and define those muscles. I still feel like I have a way to go with the body fat but I am only coming up to the half way mark for the first 12 weeks so I feel on track.
I have started doing dead lifts for the first time lately. Wow, these are super cool ! I thought arm work outs were great but these things are addictive! The other cool exercise I've discovered is decline push ups with your feet up on a swiss ball. They feel great for your abs as well as you really have to lock your core on to stay straight.
Ok, so I will be back to checking your posts as well from now on, thanks to Rick for wondering where I have been, you said you would keep me on track! Shredd hard, stay determined!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
24/03/09 Body Blog Day 24

Dive Bomber Push Ups! Oh yeah! What a way to start the day with resistance training including super sets of dive bomber push ups & jump squats, pull ups (up to 7 today...just) & jump lunges and finishing with double crunches and the dreaded single leg plank! As I was feeling so good I even pushed the abs a bit more after all that. It hurts but feels sooo good at the same time! I had reward myself after that with a walk on the beach just to chill out. Life's good........tomorrow will be even better when we get the wake board out again! Determined as Ever................
Sunday, March 22, 2009
23/03/09 Body Blog Day 23

Ok, finally back on track after those annoying two days of work! And off to a massive start this morning with heavy weight session for chest,shoulders and abs. HIIT 5km run coming up this afternoon combined with resistance training in the park, hoping to get a mate along so that I can whip his butt while I'm at it, nothing like a bit of competition to make you push even harder! Have a great day everyone!
22/03/09 Body Blog Day 22

Another day at work, Sunday! Just not meant for working but I can't complain as that's it for another week! I managed a short cardio session today as it was also another hectic day in the office, but I can't wait for tomorrow and the rest of the week to push it super hard with cardio and weight training combo's. As I missed my run on Saturday I will definately make that part of my Monday arvo cardio so as to keep my promise to Aussie Mike. Go hard shredders, make this a huge week for everyone!
21/3/09 Body Blog Day 21

An unexpectedly huge day at work, 14hour shift to get through the bad weather so that unfortunately blew my exercise for the day. But I was about due for a rest day anyway, so not all bad. My diet was still fine fitting in my planned 6 meals. The great news is that I really missed the exercise, so I feel like this is becoming a habit if not an addiction! Pretty cool. Anyway, determined as ever and looking forward to an even bigger week coming up as a whole bunch of shredders really kick into gear.
Friday, March 20, 2009
20/03/09 Body Blog Day 20

It's been pouring down rain today so no outside exercise for me. I just finished in the gym though and had a great legs and ab work out. Another perfect day for my diet and I celebrated by going out buying a new set of dumbells as I am starting to max out my current weights! That can only be a good thing. I get to work again for the next two days so it will just be cardio, back into my 5km runs to keep up with Mike the body builder! Go Mike Go! As an Aussie it is your duty to beat the poms, even at looking good! Thanks for reading, stay determined!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
19/03/09 Body Blog Day 19

Oh yeah, Bicep curls, I love em' and hate em' at the same time. They burn like crazy but the pump you get afterwards looks and feels great, if only I could blow them up like that all the time! Of course it was arms for me in the gym today and I gave them on hell of a work out. I followed up the arms with a good ab session so and finished just in time for my wife to get home and see me pumped up (as much as I can be pumped anyway!). I dropped down to the 80kg mark today for the first time, I have been aiming for 78kg, but that is just an estimate at this stage, thinking that is where I need to be to get under the 10% body fat range. I still haven't ordered my body fat calipers yet so that will be the real test rather than actual body weight. The weight is dropping pretty slowly these days (I already dropped over 10kg before starting this blog and shredding phase) but I think that is pretty good as I don't really want to go too much lower. Anyway, another great day, sticking to my diet perfectly, just about to finish with a 6 egg white omlet! See ya.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
18/03/09 Body Blog Day 18

Today was supposed to be a nice relaxing day on my farm, but instead it turned into a bit of a hectic one! Our good old Aussie telecom company accidently cut off my phone line and internet connection so I got sit on hold for hours being transferred from one indian call centre to the next. I find this one of the toughest times not to get annoyed at the person on the other end just doing their job, but it is extremely frustrating. They finally figured out the mistake but I only got my connection back today, hence the late post for yesterday. On the exercise front is was pretty easy with just light cardio for a change as I haven't really had a break for the last few weeks. Today will see me back in the but I will post that comment later. I hosted my first totally lean dinner party last night though, grilled chicken and salad went down perfectly without anyone realising I was being selfish and sticking to my diet plan! Too easy if your Determined!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
17/03/09 Body Blog Day 17

Hey there! Well I had another awesome day! I went wake boarding on the dam again today and it was just perfectly still, glassy water. I won't go into it too much here but I have to boast today as it was the first time I pulled off a 360 on the wake board, so I can't help it! A little bit red from the sun, but that will hopefully turn into a tan and hide my standard T-shirt mark. Talk about a work out for my arms and shoulders! No sore back today though which is great as I must be standing up straight, one thing that I hope all this working out is helping with.
If my shoulders weren't sore enough, I hit the gym as soon as I got home and did shoulders and chest......man I'm tired tonight. I think I've only got enough energy to cook up some chicken for dinner and hit the sack, but I really can't complain about that!
If my shoulders weren't sore enough, I hit the gym as soon as I got home and did shoulders and chest......man I'm tired tonight. I think I've only got enough energy to cook up some chicken for dinner and hit the sack, but I really can't complain about that!
Determined to get the most out of life! Shred it!
Monday, March 16, 2009
16/03/09 Body Blog Day 16

I'm Feeling Great Today! I can actually start to feel my body beginning to lean out. It is only the beginning but something is definately changing. It feels like ages since I ate anything slightly unhealthy or with any significant fat and that must be having an effect. It gets me pretty excited and makes me even more determined to go harder in search my inner six pack! I have been running after work lately, mostly along the beach but sometimes when it is dark I run along the footpath next to a river. I measured the run afterwards today by driving along the road next to it and found that it is about 4.5km, so from now on I will extend it a little to make it 5km's and start timing it. It will give me a good measuring point and something else to try and keep up with Mike the Aussie Body Builder who is becoming a great inspiration to my journey! I forgot my cottage cheese in my lunch today so it ended up being an extra lean day, but I'll make up for the protein with a late night shake instead. The calories will be easily burned as I also hit the gym for some ab work after my run.
So remember, if you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
15/03/09 Body Blog Day 15

It's Sunday today, but I'm lucky enough to be working! So no wakeboarding today, but I will be able to squeeze in a run on the beach! I've already planned my workout and diet for the week however so I feel well prepared and ready for big third week both in the gym and on my blog. I'm into the next phase of my resistance program for this week so now I get to incorporate Dive Bomber push ups into my supersets! Sounds interesting.....As always I'm determined to keep shredding hard!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
14/03/09 Body Blog Day 14

Awesome! 14 DAys! 2 Weeks of continuous blogging and shredding hard! Another Wicked day starting with Wakeboarding - getting some good air behind the new boat and really getting the hang of the new season board. Finished this afternoon with a massive legs session in the gym and a 20 minute skipping session with my wife, calves are burrrrrning! Time to chill out for the afternoon!
Friday, March 13, 2009
13/03/09 Body Blog Day 13
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
12/03/09 Body Blog Day 12

Hey there Shredders! Well day 12 of my body blog saw me start with another resistance training session and I beat my personal best of 3, that's right! 3 pull ups unassisted! Sounds crazy but I could barely do one to start with, next step is 5. I had a great gym session yesterday afternoon, I now need to get some more dumbell weights for my home gym as I am pushing past my current quantity, all good news! I'm thinking about a swimming sessin next week to mix in with my cardio, it's been years since I swam properly (even though my wife is a swim instructor!) so it will be interesting to see how I go there. Shopping day today, so I will be sure to stock up on plenty of protein etc. I am starting to lower the percentage of carbs that I'm taking, aiming for only 40 % if possible. I'm also going to try some tofu today as another source of protein. Feeling great though and as determined as ever to keep this up! Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
11/03/09 Body Blog Day 11

A bit of a tough day today, finished night shift and was unusually tired and didn't make it for my beach run. But after a good sleep I had a great session in the gym this afternoon that has made me feel much better. I used the power of the blog to get motivated by reading through a few other people's new posts and hearing how good they were doing. It worked really well and I hit the gym straight away. I've managed to get downto 81kg, but it is taking time to get down to my desired 78kg as I am not starving myself but keeping up a fairly good kj intake because of all the exercise I'm doing. I know I could easily drop a few kg's by fasting for a few days in a row but I want to avoid loosing muscle. I have been reading a bit about the eat stop eat program and whilst I am erring on the side positive side of it, I want to read up a bit more before going ahead with 2 days fasting per week. It just goes so much against what I have read everywhere else.
Anyway, I now have a few days off so will be back into my heavy cardio and weights routine for the next 3 days. Thanks for reading and I hope you like the hat.......I have got bored withs standard photo's already, so stay tuned for some fun......
Monday, March 9, 2009
10/03/09 Body Blog Day 10

Burn Baby Burn! That's how my calves are feeling after a megga skipping session this morning! My favourite hard core Crystal Method tunes really get me pumped and working out hard. Before that I finished my resistance training from "Iwantsixpackabs.com" which is just a killer for such seemingly simple supersets!
Anyway, staying indoors today dodging a cyclone that is hoving around our area, then this afternoon it will be into the gym for another cool weights session! Have a great day!
09/03/09 Body blog Day 9

Ok, so today was a full on work day for me, so a good test to see if I could keep up the diet and some cardio whilst stilll doing a 12 hr shift. The answer, No Problem! Determination won hands down! 6 easy meals and a great run along the river after dark to finish off the day. Tomorrow will be a full on day with a huge cardio session planned in the morning - HIIT training combined with some resistance training, then a weights session in the afternoon!
I've run out of protein powder so stuffing myself with plenty of tuna and egg whites at the moment.....mmmm....yumi!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
08/03/09 Body Blog Day 8

It is Sunday today but I'm working, Yeah! But I am lucky enough to have a running machine in my office so I am making the most of it with 20 minutes of HIIT. After work I will hopefully go for a run on the beach as well to make up the rest of my cardio. Diet is easy for me at work eating every 2 hours. Starting to feel the difference already even if it is not visible yet, so I am pretty motivated and as determined as ever to keep going. I'm looking forward to Adam's release as the anticipation has got me going. I'll keep it short today, thanks for reading.
Friday, March 6, 2009
07/03/09 Body Blog Day 7

Another great start to the day, cardio by climbing one of our local mountains (Mt. Coolum) more of a hill compared to mountains outside of Australia, but great for cardio training all the same. Pushed as hard as I could up the hill and ran down as much as possible without breaking anything! Followed the climb wtih a swim in surf, a perfect Saturday morining on the Sunshine Coast where I live. Just finished a six egg white omlet so the diet is off to a good start with plenty of protein after my exercise. Legs in the gym this afternoon, so after this mornings climb they will have had a great work out. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
06/03/09 Body Blog Day 6

Well I woke up feeling a little sore after yesterdays efforts (and that was only a cardio day!) but that has only inspired me to get straight back into it today. I finished my weight training first up, today was biceps and triceps which I love because you can really feel the burn and see the pump. I followed this up with 20 minutes of skipping to some hard core crystal method (great electronic music to exercise to!). The rest of the day will be just focussing on my diet before taking the boat out for a few hours of wake boarding in the afternoon. That is a real cardio work out for my arms, shoulders and back. Feeling pretty cool over all and still very motivated to keep up the blog. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
05/03/09 Body Blog Day 5

Wow, I have been reviewing a site called "Iwantsixpackabs" that has a pretty cool program and decided to add the resistance training to my cardio only days. Man oh man, I thought those three super sets looked pretty easy, but I guess that is the case with a lot of things until you try it for yourself. Anyway, after lots of grunting and screaming (especially with the pull ups) I got through the sets in my own way. Another short term goal is to be able to do at least 5 pull ups (palms facing away) without using my legs to push up etc. There is are some cool post on you tube from "scooby's workouts" or something similar that explain some good ways to start when you can't complete pull ups straight away, I definately need them at the moment! After the resistance training I did 15 minutes of skipping just to kill my calves! This was all after going for a short horse ride this morning (not all that cardio on my part!) put I am at least finding time to fit in all the things I want, all it takes is a little determination! This afternoon I will finish off with a run through the forrest around my home, it is great as it gives me plenty of challenges due to all the hills! Diet is going well, getting over my 180g of Protein each day and staying around 8000-9000kj (Australia has gone metric and doesn't talk in calaries any more) so I hope to be dropping a few kg's to get down to 78kg towards the end of this month.....time will tell!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
04/03/09 Body Blog Day 4 - Getting Serious!

Hey there, Well I'm feeling pretty positive today, just finished night shift so this morning I went for a walk on the beach to at least get some cardio before sleeping. This afternoon I will follow it up with a real run and then some weights. I'm really trying to up the cardio as I have also decided to aim for 78kg within these first 30 days. I'm currently 82 kg (was previously 90kg) so I am going to have to push that little bit harder. I looked up my BMI today and it is rated at 24 which is in high end of the healthy range for my height and age, can't complain but I would like to see that go down to the other end as of course this will be dropping my body weight. I've got to find where to buy a body fat calculator as I'm really interested in my percentage, I'll investigate that this week some more. The diet is cool, I have been trying to count kj's, especially on my days off so I will be trying hard to stay at 8000 or less over the next days. Ok, guess I had better get the pic done and getting into the cardio I spoke about! Cheers.
Monday, March 2, 2009
03/02/09 Body Blog Day 3

What a start to the day, 1hour run in the hills combined with 80 push ups (I do 4 sets of 20 at the moment). As soon as I got home I jumped on the horse for a 30 minute ride around our farm with my wife. I've got the day off today so working around the farm and counting kj's as I have been doing when ever I can, I'll put the total daily kj's along with my weight on the bottom of each daily blog. Feeling as determined as ever, but it's only day three so that's always the easy part. Loving the idea of daily blogs already, doesn't seem like a pain, more like the inspiration and motivation it is supposed to be! Anyway, got to go and wash up a pile of vegetables I just picked from the garden - carrots, cucumber, tomatoes......and of course take the daily picture that I will load up below. Thanks for reading, Craig.
Weight Today: 81kg
body transformation,
get fit,
02/02/09 Body Blog Day 2

Day 2 of my body blog. Had a great day today, eating well and finishing with a run on the beach. My aim to do at least 20 minutes of cardio each day (45mins where ever possible)plus follow a weight training program. So today, just cardio, but that was still cool as I also worked a 12 hr shift. It always easy to make an excuse and working long hours is a great excuse. But, because of the body blog and the daily photo's (first one attached), there is no room for excuses! Catch ya tomorrow. Craig.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
01/02/09 Body Blog Day 1
Day 1 of the body blog series. Mission 1 - keep up this blog every day for 30 days and gain entry into the Shreddersphere. Show a complete body transformation during 2009. Particular goals include a well developed chest, no love handles and the start of a six pack! Most importantly however is the ability to stick with a training program for more than 6 weeks which is usually where I fall off the wagon. Other new goal is to first be invited into the shreddersphere and then hopefully sit on the shredder council, have a work out with Adam and post it on RTP in 2010!
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