Hey there, Well I'm feeling pretty positive today, just finished night shift so this morning I went for a walk on the beach to at least get some cardio before sleeping. This afternoon I will follow it up with a real run and then some weights. I'm really trying to up the cardio as I have also decided to aim for 78kg within these first 30 days. I'm currently 82 kg (was previously 90kg) so I am going to have to push that little bit harder. I looked up my BMI today and it is rated at 24 which is in high end of the healthy range for my height and age, can't complain but I would like to see that go down to the other end as of course this will be dropping my body weight. I've got to find where to buy a body fat calculator as I'm really interested in my percentage, I'll investigate that this week some more. The diet is cool, I have been trying to count kj's, especially on my days off so I will be trying hard to stay at 8000 or less over the next days. Ok, guess I had better get the pic done and getting into the cardio I spoke about! Cheers.
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