I'm Feeling Great Today! I can actually start to feel my body beginning to lean out. It is only the beginning but something is definately changing. It feels like ages since I ate anything slightly unhealthy or with any significant fat and that must be having an effect. It gets me pretty excited and makes me even more determined to go harder in search my inner six pack! I have been running after work lately, mostly along the beach but sometimes when it is dark I run along the footpath next to a river. I measured the run afterwards today by driving along the road next to it and found that it is about 4.5km, so from now on I will extend it a little to make it 5km's and start timing it. It will give me a good measuring point and something else to try and keep up with Mike the Aussie Body Builder who is becoming a great inspiration to my journey! I forgot my cottage cheese in my lunch today so it ended up being an extra lean day, but I'll make up for the protein with a late night shake instead. The calories will be easily burned as I also hit the gym for some ab work after my run.
So remember, if you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up....
Right on, Giarc!