Wow, I have been reviewing a site called "Iwantsixpackabs" that has a pretty cool program and decided to add the resistance training to my cardio only days. Man oh man, I thought those three super sets looked pretty easy, but I guess that is the case with a lot of things until you try it for yourself. Anyway, after lots of grunting and screaming (especially with the pull ups) I got through the sets in my own way. Another short term goal is to be able to do at least 5 pull ups (palms facing away) without using my legs to push up etc. There is are some cool post on you tube from "scooby's workouts" or something similar that explain some good ways to start when you can't complete pull ups straight away, I definately need them at the moment! After the resistance training I did 15 minutes of skipping just to kill my calves! This was all after going for a short horse ride this morning (not all that cardio on my part!) put I am at least finding time to fit in all the things I want, all it takes is a little determination! This afternoon I will finish off with a run through the forrest around my home, it is great as it gives me plenty of challenges due to all the hills! Diet is going well, getting over my 180g of Protein each day and staying around 8000-9000kj (Australia has gone metric and doesn't talk in calaries any more) so I hope to be dropping a few kg's to get down to 78kg towards the end of this month.....time will tell!
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