A bit of a tough day today, finished night shift and was unusually tired and didn't make it for my beach run. But after a good sleep I had a great session in the gym this afternoon that has made me feel much better. I used the power of the blog to get motivated by reading through a few other people's new posts and hearing how good they were doing. It worked really well and I hit the gym straight away. I've managed to get downto 81kg, but it is taking time to get down to my desired 78kg as I am not starving myself but keeping up a fairly good kj intake because of all the exercise I'm doing. I know I could easily drop a few kg's by fasting for a few days in a row but I want to avoid loosing muscle. I have been reading a bit about the eat stop eat program and whilst I am erring on the side positive side of it, I want to read up a bit more before going ahead with 2 days fasting per week. It just goes so much against what I have read everywhere else.
Anyway, I now have a few days off so will be back into my heavy cardio and weights routine for the next 3 days. Thanks for reading and I hope you like the hat.......I have got bored withs standard photo's already, so stay tuned for some fun......